2018 Core 77 Design Awards:科思创材料奖授予 Mira Prism AR 耳机




2018 6 29

Core77 设计大奖表彰设计企业各个领域的卓越表现,每年都会表彰设计行业的丰富性以及从业者的洞察力和毅力。

今年,科思创材料奖由 Mira Prism 增强现实耳机获得。科思创将参展WT | 11 12 日至 15 日,可穿戴技术展 2018 MEDICA

Mira Prism 是一款经济实惠的 AR 耳机,可在任何地方提供增强现实,无需插头、计算机或电线。Mira Prism 是一款时尚的可穿戴设备,可将手机无缝集成为引擎,提供完全身临其境的 AR 体验,零售价不到 100 美元。

阅读更多 据报道,三星和苹果正在开发无线 AR/VR 耳机

Prism 与三星 Gear VR 和谷歌 DayDream 等其他 AR 头显相比的突出之处在于,它不会遮挡整个视野。



氯丁橡胶顶篷可容纳多种手机型号,无需额外的适配器或电线。Prism 是同类产品中的第一个。

在不断增长的 VR 市场中,卓越的体验仍然昂贵且孤立。然而,快速增长的 AR 市场及其更广泛的应用程序可以在许多方面帮助人们,而无需现有的 VR 解决方案。

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Mira Prism AR 耳机价格实惠。虽然许多传统的 AR 系统需要购买昂贵的设备或完整的 PC 设置,但 Mira Prism 只需要一部智能手机和一个简单的应用程序,内容丰富。耳机允许人们自由移动,而不会被束缚或硬连线到 PC。使用这种技术,用户几乎可以在任何地方激活 AR,并与叠加在现实世界上的"全息"图像进行交互。


科思创是北美领先的高性能聚合物生产商之一,隶属于全球科思创业务,科思创是全球最大的聚合物公司之一,在全球拥有 30 个生产基地,约有 15,600 名员工。科思创的研究、创新和对可持续发展的承诺使他们能够为几乎日常生活各个领域使用的产品生产高科技聚合物材料和应用解决方案。科思创服务的市场包括:建筑、汽车、电气和电子、木材加工和家具、医疗行业,以及运动休闲、化妆品和化工行业。

Core 77 Design Awards 2018: Covestro Materials Prize Awarded to Mira Prism AR Headset


 Sam Draper


29. June 2018

Recognizing excellence in all areas of design enterprise, the Core77 Design Awards annually celebrates the richness of the design profession as well as the insight and perseverance of its practitioners.

This year, the award for Covestro Materials Prize was won by Mira Prism Augmented Reality headset. Covestro will be exhibiting at the WT | Wearable Technologies Show 2018 MEDICA on November 12-15.

Mira Prism, an affordable AR headset, provides Augmented Reality anywhere without the need for plugs, computers or wires. Mira Prism is sleek, wearable device that seamlessly integrates a phone as the engine and delivers a fully-immersive AR experience, and it retails at less than $100.

Read more Samsung and Apple Reportedly Working on a Wireless AR/VR Headset

What makes the Prism standout from other AR headsets from the likes of Samsung Gear VR and Google DayDream, is that it doesn't block one's entire field of view.

Multiple users can interact in a game and make eye contact throughout, all while still watching the real world around them in full resolution.

The headset is designed by combining hard and soft materials for structure and comfort while the lenses affixed with magnets allow them to be easily detached and carry.

The neoprene canopy accommodates multiple phone models, removing the need for extra adaptors or wires. The Prism is the first of its kind.

Exceptional experiences still remain expensive and isolated in the growing VR market. However, the rapidly growing AR market with its broader applications help people in many ways without the need for existing VR solutions.

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The Mira Prism AR headset is affordable. While many traditional AR systems require purchasing expensive equipment or a full PC setup, Mira Prism requires only a smartphone and a simple app, packed with contents. The headset allows people to move freely, without being tethered or hardwired to a PC. Using this technique users can activate AR virtually anywhere and interact with "holographic" like images overlaid on the real world.

About Covestro

Covestro is one of the leading producers of high-performance polymers in North America and is part of the global Covestro business, which is among the world's largest polymer companies, with 30 production sites being run by approximately 15,600 employees worldwide. Covestro's research, innovation and a commitment to sustainability enables them to produce high-tech polymer materials and application solutions for products used in nearly every area of daily life. The markets served by Covestro are: construction, automotive, electrical and electronics, wood processing and furniture, and medical industries, as well as sports and leisure, cosmetics and the chemical industry.

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