为满足歌尔股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)在越南业务拓展和长期运营的需求,公司全资子公司 Goertek (HongKong) Co., Limited(以下简称“香港歌尔泰克”)拟以自有资金在越南设立全资子公司,投资总额不超过 2.8 亿美元(折合人民币约 199,035 万元)。
拟设立的全资子公司公司名称暂定歌尔电子科技(越南)有限公司,注册资本为6000万美元,经营范围暂定为生产耳机、智能手表、VR & AR 消费类电子产品,香港歌尔泰克将持有其 100%股权。
本次交易完成后,香港歌尔泰克将持有越南歌尔电子科技 100%股权,越南歌尔电子科技将被纳入公司的合并报表范围。本次交易不构成重大资产重组,不存在损害公司及其他股东合法利益的情形。本次投资对公司实现投资收益并获得相关业务拓展机会有着积极的意义,符合全体股东的利益和公司长远发展战略。
serial number
AR/VR/MR's Computational Paradigm Transformation from Micro to Macro
Current Status and Future Trends of the AR/VR Industry Market
Design and Material Selection Differences Between Consumer and Industrial AR/VR Products
Design of VR Pancake Optical Module
Application of Nanoscale Imprint Technology on AR Gratings
The Development of AR Waveguide Technology
Application of Superlenses in AR/VR
The Development of Freeform Surface Technology in the AR/VR Field
The Development Progress of Micro LED/OLED in AR/VR
Challenges in the Development of Full-Color Micro LED for AR
VST: Cornerstone Technology for MR, Propelling the Era of Spatial Computing
The Application of Cameras in AR/VR Headsets
The Development of Gesture Recognition and Eye Tracking Technologies in AR/VR
Development and Application of Lightweight Materials in AR/VR
Assembly Equipment for AR/VR Complete Systems and Optical Modules (AA Assembly)
Application of Optical Materials in AR/VR
Coating and Curved Bonding Solutions for AR/VR Lens
The Application of Sensing Devices in AR/VR
The Application of Electrochromic Materials in AR/VR
Materials and Processing Solutions for Structural Components in AR/VR
Spatial Audio Technology Solutions for AR/VR
Energy Consumption and Heat Dissipation Solutions for AR/VR
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The original article was first published on the WeChat official account (Aibang VR Industry News):歌尔将在越南设立全资子公司,生产VR/AR消费类电子产品