Welcome to join by clicking hereAR/VR DirectoryCurrently, there are more than 3000 members, including companies such as GoerTek, HTC, OPPO, Skyworth, PICO, ByteDance, Black Shark, Lenovo, Nreal, Lynx, Luxon, Lingxi MicroLight, Luxshare Precision, Leading Ideal, OFILM, Huaqin, Wentai, Luxshare, Lumus, Sisvel, and Shunyu, among others. Click on the keywords below for filtering.

根据预购前的备货水平,以及出货时间,郭明錤认为在开放Vision Pro预购后,首周末卖出16-18万部Vision Pro。正如预期的那样,Vision Pro 在开启预订后立即售空,所有型号的发货时间延长至 5 至 7 周。

热门 iPhone 型号在预订后也会立即售空,而发货时间通常会在几小时内增加到几周。然而,与 Vision Pro 不同的是,iPhone 机型通常在预订开启后 24 至 48 小时内发货时间会继续稳步增长,这表明即使在最初售罄后需求仍在持续增长。

郭明錤还预测:今年 Vision Pro 的出货量达到 50 万台应该不是什么挑战。然而,由于需求在最初售罄后迅速减少,因此密切监控其他市场的需求和应用程序更新以评估需求变化至关重要。


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Welcome to join by clicking hereAR/VR DirectoryCurrently, there are more than 3000 members, including companies such as GoerTek, HTC, OPPO, Skyworth, PICO, ByteDance, Black Shark, Lenovo, Nreal, Lynx, Luxon, Lingxi MicroLight, Luxshare Precision, Leading Ideal, OFILM, Huaqin, Wentai, Luxshare, Lumus, Sisvel, and Shunyu, among others. Click on the keywords below for filtering.