On March 14th, it was reported that the Apple Vision Pro headset is currently only available for sale in the United States, but it will be expanded to more regions in the future.
According to code discovered by the foreign media MacRumors, Apple will soon add 12 new languages to the virtual keyboard of Vision Pro. Currently, the Vision Pro keyboard only supports English (United States) and emoji.
To introduce the Vision Pro to new countries and regions, Apple needs to increase support for other languages. Code indicates that the following languages will be added:
Simplified Chinese
English (Australia)
English (Canada)
English (Japan)
English (Singapore)
English (United Kingdom)
French (Canada)
French (France)
German (Germany)
这些语言的增加可能暗示了苹果下一步将推出 Vision Pro 的国家,包括澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、法国、德国、日本、新加坡、韩国和英国。
According to previous reports, when Vision Pro was released, Apple stated that it would expand the availability of Vision Pro to more countries and regions later this year, but the company did not provide a specific timeline. Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo believes that Apple will expand the availability of Vision Pro to more markets before the global developer conference in June.
Apple Vision Pro是苹果公司最新推出的智能眼镜产品,融合了先进的增强现实技术和创新设计,旨在为用户带来沉浸式的数字体验。这款智能眼镜不仅将现实世界与数字世界无缝连接,还为用户提供了全新的交互方式和功能。
增强现实体验:Apple Vision Pro利用先进的增强现实技术,将数字信息叠加在现实世界中,为用户呈现出更丰富、更生动的视觉体验。
智能虚拟键盘:Vision Pro的虚拟键盘支持多种语言,让用户可以轻松输入文字和指令,提供更便捷的操作体验。
全球化支持:苹果公司计划将Vision Pro推广到九个国家,为全球用户带来更多语言选择和功能,满足不同地区用户的需求。
创新设计:Vision Pro采用精致的设计,轻巧舒适,配备高清显示屏和先进的传感器技术,为用户提供清晰、流畅的视觉体验。
智能助手集成:Vision Pro集成了苹果的智能助手,用户可以通过语音指令快速获取信息、发送消息,实现更智能化的操作体验。
全天候使用:Vision Pro设计耐用,适合全天候使用,让用户无论在何时何地都能享受到智能眼镜带来的便利和乐趣。
Apple Vision Pro的推出标志着苹果在智能眼镜领域的进一步突破,为用户带来了全新的数字体验和交互方式。无论是沉浸式的增强现实体验,还是多语言支持的虚拟键盘,Vision Pro都致力于为用户打造更便捷、更智能的生活方式。随着苹果将Vision Pro推广到更多国家和地区,这款智能眼镜必将成为未来科技发展的重要里程碑,引领智能穿戴设备的新潮流。