Analysis of the evolution route of MicroLED microdisplay technology of Samsung Display XR Display
三星显示器可用于增强现实(AR)设备显示器的 LEDoS(硅…
AR/VR display solution: LBS optical-mechanical technology principle
什么是LBS LBS光机是一种基于激光束扫描的光学投影设备,…
Xita Technology (Meishan) micro display module project started smoothly
Samsung Display and Mojo Vision showcase latest XR technology achievements
三星显示携手eMagin推出大量XR用RGB MicroOL…
LG Display showcases new OLEDoS display for VR with brightness of 10,000 nits
5月16日消息,LG Display携众多次世代OLED新技…
Designed specifically for VR headsets, LG launches 10,000 nit peak brightness OLEDoS panel
5 月 16 日消息,LG 近日推出了一款专门为 VR 头显…
Stan Technology’s 0.2-inch single-chip full-color Micro-LED display chip is unveiled, with brightness increased to 150,000 nits