AR Optics Crystal Optoelectronics achieves mass production of holographic waveguide lenses 2024-05-06 sun, keting 5月6日消息,作为DigiLens在国内的独家授权生产商,水…
VR System and Software Unity 6 Engine optimizes VR/XR application development by supporting out-of-view low-resolution rendering and avoiding texture duplicate sampling 2024-05-06 sun, keting 5 月 5 日消息,Unity 6 引擎技术预览版本目前已经…
VR The number of VR users on the Steam platform is steadily increasing, surpassing Mac users for the first time 2024-05-06 sun, keting 5 月 5 日消息,近四年来,Steam 平台的 PC VR…
Apple MR headset The message states that the standard version of the Apple Vision headset is set to be finalized in October this year and is expected to be released in June next year 2024-05-06 sun, keting 5 月 4 日消息,据华尔街见闻得到消息,苹果 Vision…